Saturday, December 17, 2011

Achieving Greatness

Ok so the old saying goes if it ain't broke don't fix it which would therefore mean Ignorance is bliss. Right? Well no! Not really. It just means that some people love to make the excuses to justify those 2 statements. The year is almost over and I have learned so many things in the last 347 days. Not only about myself but about the people that I surrounded myself with then and whom I choose to now. So before I head in to 2012 with my new journey I would just like to share some of my old thoughts that are now modified with the new ones. Grab a pen and paper and do your own list. I bet you have more than you thought.

Old vs. New

1. I can just eat till the pain goes away
>>> Food will never take away the pain. There is always a deeper reason as to why I turned to the Doritos.

2. They are my family and my friends. They will always tell me the truth
>>> Truth is they were the ones that lied to me first by skirting around the subject so as to not "hurt my feelings". Take everything at face value and process it clearly to decide how to proceed. I choose who I want in my life. I will define me, they will not. They will not hold me back from where I want to go.

3. Change scared the crap out of me!!
>>> Bring it on! I am ready for new changes in my life. I know that when I put my mind to it I can accomplish anything in front of me. Remember the Warrior Dash in June?? Ya.. scared the crap out of me.

4. Going because we were invited to events was almost an obligation out of guilt
>>> I would rather not be invited at all to something than to be invited as a last pick. I am NO ONES second choice.

5. I can't because I am not able.
>>> I can because I am willing. I can because I want to. I can because I say so and I'm gonna prove you wrong. ( ps it has been 6 months and 2 days that I have quit smoking. So to those people that didn't think I could do it I say.. and WHAT?!?!?! )

6. Change rooms are just public cublicles to cry in when you have to try on clothes.
>>> Stepped out of my comfort zone and wore form fitted dresses with not a care in the world. Bring the one woman in your life that you trust and respect the most for her honesty. Grab coffee and have fun trying stuff on.

7. Some of my closest friends walked away. What did I do?
>>> I decided to change my life direction which changed my physical appearance. I no longer fit in to the mold that they wanted for me. Sad yes, but I have learned it is reality and there is no going back.

8. I have a gym membership.
>>> I am a member of a group of people dedicated to changing their lives and achieving greatness in it. I am noticed because I actually feel like I belong and am welcomed in with open arms. I am achieving greatness in my life which I am passing on to my children, new friends and to people that I have not yet met.

I really could on and on with this list but you get the idea. It was all about first changing my thought process, taking a leap of faith and putting my complete faith in one person to lead me to where she knew I could be. I have battled many obstacles this year with my health but at no point did I say I quit or I give up. What I did do is keep on going and found a new way to achieve my goals. It may have taken me a little bit longer to do it but I did it.

2012 is just 16 days away and that brings a whole new chapter in my life. I am so very excited to fill you in when the time comes. I have enough confidence in myself to say that I AM going to do it.....Not IF but WHEN.

So be ready to join me next year and follow along with my journey....!! With visions of clear heels dancing in my head I say Happy Dreamtime and to all a good night. ( I never said I was a great poet.. LOL )

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