Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A challenge you say?!?!

I have learned over the last 9 months not to back down from a challenge. How else will you learn what you are capable of if you don't push yourself to try. My first was The Warrior Dash which I survived and am so pumped to do it again. Now.... a 90 day challenge. My Trainer and very good friend Sandra Compton is sneaky by putting them to me. She says it and I go " hmph, why not right? " This one was no different. I had some pictures taken a couple years ago and I love them very much. They were my angelic sexy photos with my husband. I want to be that gurl again but a little darker and dirtier this time ( like in Flash dance but much darker ). So that is my goal. Not only will the end of this year bring me to the end of my personal year goal but having this little side road will be her whisper in my ear. I know I can do it. Look how far I have come already.

I decided that I wanted to lose 10 more pounds. So that is only 6 more beyond where I wanted to be by the end of the year. I just felt like I needed a little "cushion" or some bouncing room. Now I know that there are people that will say it is because it is my "what's next" and they're right too. Why stop. Today as I write this I feel great. I have days because of my current health issue where I sleep a LOT! Like 16 hours, so when I have my good days I bust it out and don't look back.

So with all this said I am having to adjust my training regime a bit. Beautyfit Bootcamp came to an end last Thursday night and it was bitter sweet for me. I have spent 9 months with some of these ladies and they have seen me through the good and the bad. They were there to support me from the first sit up to the last push up. While wiping my tears of sadness and my tears of joy, they have become a part of my extended family. I will miss them all. I have met new friends along the way as well that came in to my life a few months and even a few weeks ago. Each person that I have met has taught me something different about myself. Ponder this thought and embrace it. It will change your life if you let it...
Surround yourself with people whom you admire and allow you to aspire to be who you want to be... Accept nothing less than what you deserve
 I did a note after the last camp and I feel it right to tell you a few of the things that I learned these 8 weeks as well...

1. Push yourself harder each and every time and you will never be able to say you didn't try
2. Listen to your body!
3. Focus on yourself and how each and every movement feels.
and finally..
My NEW shirt truly defines my state of mind when it comes to my training these days .... so to that I say .. and WHAT?!?!