I get asked by friends, family and even total strangers, What kind of program are you doing? I correct them politely letting them know it is not a program but a lifestyle change. This is generally how a random conversation will go...
“How do you do it”?
Do what?
“Well you must be taking some sort of diet pill right”?
Nope I’m not taking diet pills.
“So what’s your secret”?.....(now what I want to say is “Ancient Chinese secret” OR “If I tell you I have to kill you” but I don’t. I simply say..)
I eat right, I exercise and I use Beautyfit Products.
“So you take diet pills then!”
NO! First of all they are not diet pills and second I dare you to slam that BeautyBum cream on your tongue and see what happens!! I have encountered first hand what putting it on and THEN putting face cream on feels like :) ( FYI... It doesn't burn you it just makes you all warm, tingly and red. It's supposed to do that.. read the label ) I don’t just use the products and then magically I lose a whole crap-ton of weight. I watch what I eat, I work out regularly and I struggle just like everyone else out there. I highly recommend for more detailed information on the products you can either read all about them online at the website or you can contact Sandra ( You will find her on my FB friends list ).
Oh and for the record I would never just send you blindly to try something out if I didn't fully believe in it. I'm not one of those paid actors. I don't get any kind of kick back for sending you to the website. But what I do get is a phone call, text message, BBM or FB wall post that says I LOVE MY Beauty_____ (fill in the blank of what product you are using). And for that right there, I feel accomplished!
Then the questions about BootCamp start. This is my favourite part of the conversation ( can I get a woot woot ) no really it is!! I tell them all about it! How there are some nights that all you can smell in the room is BeautyBum, how I got my ass served to me on a silver platter or how I swore she was a little twisted that night or maybe she took her BeautyFuel a little later in the afternoon than normal. But I have never once told ANY of my friends... don’t do it! Just the opposite actually. I tell them when all the free drop camps are and when the pay per drop classes are. I encourage them to at least try it. There is always a bit of hesitation at first but once I reel them in, they get hooked! And then they totally understand why I do it. It’s not just about the 1 hour butt kick, the fact that I just sweat through my clothes being pretty sure my deodorant kicked off about 6.2 minutes in or that I just threw up a little in my mouth swallowed and kept on going.... but it’s about the room of women all there to cheer you on and to sweat and swear next to you the whole time. There are laughs, and tears and sometimes a little bit of booty slappin happenin’ but we all come together as a single unit to get it done.... and then we come back for more. For me it quickly went from an “I am going to do this and last the whole 6 weeks because I would like to finish something I started” to “Hey lady when is the next one starting?”. That doesn’t make me twisted at all, it makes me dedicated to a better healthy life.
But while we are on the topic of twisted adventures, let me tell you about what I have decided would be a great day of fun! Somehow I agreed to doing the warrior run with Sandra (www.warriordash.com watch the video and you’ll see where I’m going with this). It went a little like this. I will break it down it point form for you...
1. Sandra posts warrior dash info and says bucket list!!
2. I say hellz ya let’s do it I’m in!
3. Sandra sends my confirmation email saying "wave time 8am....SHOW TIME?!!!"
So here we are 4 days out and we are both so excited! I am scared for the fact that this is new and also HOLY CRAP!! What a challenge eh?! And honestly who better to have by my side than her. She has believed in me enough to never let me fall without helping me back up and saying YOU GOT THIS!!!
I have a super busy week ahead of me but I KNOW you can’t wait to see the pictures and to hear all about it when we are done. Even if I don’t fully survive the hills, mud, fires and barbed wire don’t worry Sandra will blog after she’s done her GINORMUS Turkey leg.