Taking some down time to heal yourself inside is so very important.... Taking care of YOU is more than just exercising and eating right.
These are some of the most powerful words that you will ever say to yourself. We all get to a point where our bodies say I am done! I have nothing left to give! This is not a bad thing. This is what happened to me and it was time to listen.
I have been so stressed out with so much home stuff and my health for way too long and my body just shut down. I spent 4 days in bed which ran over one of my BeautyFit Bootcamps. That was a tough message to send to Sandra saying that I would not be there that night but I knew that I needed to heal inside to be able to give my all once again. I don't like to give up but this one was different. It was not a physical exhaustion from goes "balls to the wall" for weeks on end. This was a mental exhaustion. Thank goodness I have a supportive husband and children when it comes to me being "down for the count". He spent 2 days in bed with me just watching tv and getting me what I needed so I didn't have to get up and my children actually got along. I have not been 100% for quite sometime but I deal with it. I go through my everyday and do what I can to make it through without ever complaining about it. I usually say, "I am OK" when people ask. I think that's a prerequisite of life when for most of us.
We spend a lot of time trying to fix our "outside" but our "inside" is what drives us forward and keeps us going. So why do we neglect that so much? It is more than just be heart healthy and watching our cholesterol levels and caloric intake. But it is being mentally healthy and prepared to take on each and every day. Each of us deal with this differently and we think we are doing it the right way until one day we crash.
I am doing much better now. The stresses are still there but I am more clear headed and able to focus. I am back on track with my eating and my gym time and I am ready to finish out this year strong. Wise words came from a little woman with a big voice. Take heed my friends and listen with an open mind and an open heart..
If you don't take of YOU how do you expect to take care of anyone else......