Alt Laterals with Dumbbells.. Ya they hurt |
My wonderful 17 yr old son also trains like a champ and he pushes me just like Sandra does. He tells me to shut up and do it. He tells me YES YOU CAN Mom. He will not let me quit, even as much as I want to when I think that the bar is going to fall on my face and smash me in to little pieces. Having a teenager and trying to find things to do together that you both enjoy can be tricky. I found what works and it is the gym. He high 5's me when I complete something and is proud to call me mom. ( and he even ... AND What's me when appropriate ). We are both learning, growing, laughing and crying in pain together. But to be honest there really is nothing better than having someone spot you that understands what you are going through. What you are feeling and just exactly how much you want to punch them in the throat if they tell you.. one more!
My SONshine... we are growing together |
I really didn't have any pivotal or major thought provoking moments in the last week. But what I did have is a special "MOM" moment. In all of this life change I am still a mom. I am still a friend. I am still a wife. It doesn't matter how much weight or how many inches I lose because in the end I am still me. I am the one that ugly cries when I am sick, frustrated, tired or sad. I am also the one that will hold your hand when you need it, Laugh and cry with you and also support you in your journey.
We all have growing pains. Have you found out what yours are? Mine are meaningful moments that will forever make me who I am.