It's 9:30 pm on my ab/cardio burn 500 night, I am BeautyFuel'd and ready to go.. Or am I? Not just yet. I get to the gym and apply my BeautyBum. Not just to my bum, but to my thighs and to my belly ( because I am jiggly there ) and I am off to get my workout in. I'm rockin out with the music in my ears and concentrated so deeply in my plank, there is NO DROPPING allowed, that when my 1 min timer goes off I notice the heat that my body is putting off. It feels good! After ab work I get my cardio in. I head over to the stair mill for 10 min of warmup before jumping on the treadmill. Let's just say that my warmup was more like a RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!! My finger slipped and I hit an extra number and I was off to the races. Literally!! Now imagine running up stairs and not being able to slow down at all while trying to press a button to change the speed and not fall off looking like you just got shot out of a cannon!! Ya HI!! That was me :) You can stop laughing now... After catching my breath, I realized if you just ride it till your feet hit the ground it stops. Who knew?!?! Did I give up and say, " oh no Mr. Scare mill you win!" ... Nope. I got back on, started over, finished my 10 min and survived.
I headed over to the Treadmill to get the rest of my Burn 500 done and I was nice and toasty. I noticed out of the corner of my eye that I was getting the "look" from a few stragglers this late at night. I ignored and kept on my way. Sure I was sweaty but then you start to wonder do I have something hanging out of my nose? Nope it was just the fact that I was truly a sweaty mess... This is what they were looking at
I would like to say that it is just the lighting or a bad angle of the camera but that would be a lie.. It is full on Tummy sweat from a kick ass BeautyBum intensified Cardio workout.
So what have I learned from all of this, other than don't press buttons with sweaty fingers? I learned that mistakes will happen and there is nothing pretty about going to gym and getting the job done. I may walk in some Saturday mornings with my makeup on and my coffee in my hand but when it is all said and done I will be a sweaty mess and hungry like a beast! Don't worry about what the girl next to you is doing on the machine or how many calories she has burned. You worry about you! Pull your hat down and put your blinders on.
So put your ear buds in, rub your BeautyBum on and spend the next hour on the best ride of your life! It's ok to scream a little while on it but please remember to keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times or you may get injured :) ..... or fall off like some of us.