Monday, December 31, 2012

Bits of Hope

Where to begin? This is not an easy blog to write this time. Not because I have nothing to talk about, because trust me I do, but because it is hard to put it all down, everything that has happened to me this year to get me to where I am right now. Soul searching and reflection is never an easy thing to do, so this is going to be short and sweet ( I say that now but c'mon this is me.. LOL )

Dec 31st 2011 I was sitting in the Tim Hortons parking lot reflecting on all the things I had done over the year and what I wanted to accomplish in 2012. Here it is, 1 year later and I am sitting on my couch recovering from 4 days of the worst flu I have ever had but now looking ahead to where 2013 will bring me. I am proud of everything that I have accomplished this year. I had to overcome serious medical issues and  had some pretty big hurdles in my personal life but more importantly I have hope and vision that I can and will be so much more moving forward.

See, for me hope is what will always drive me. It is my inner fat girl that I will always have to push away and remind myself that I am not that girl anymore. But I know with hope that one day I will not have to do that.

I do not set New Years resolutions for the simple fact that it is a set up for failure. Proven fact is that most resolutions fail within the first 6 weeks. So then what?! That is why I set yearly goals. My 2012 was that I am invincible, and I absolutely am! I am so much better than I was 365 days ago.

I am in a better place in so many ways. Here are just a few..
- I hold close to my heart the ones that I want in my life, not that I need.
- Road blocks, side roads and speed bumps are just minor obstacles and if I allowed them to stop me in my tracks then I will never move forward (read my previous blogs).
- I have learned to take pride in my moments that I worked so hard for and to be my biggest fan
- To take genuine compliments when they are given
- To see through a camera lens how others see me.

I will never take for granted the people in my life that have helped to shape, guide and mold me. Some have been silently in the background and others are right next to me. Not just coaches and trainers either. But people like my son who has always been there to push me and also to pick me up when I am feeling down on myself or don't want to go to the gym and would rather eat pizza on the couch. Like Jenna, who when I need a reality check she is there to give it to me. And a few others that shall remain nameless that know when I am crashing and know exactly what to say to remind me what I do this every day for.

Photo taken by Stone Photography
So wrapping this up in a BIG RED BOW, next year for me will be filled with new adventures and Lord knows there will be surprises. I am not done my list from last year so I will continue to work on that. I found my inner Beauty ( or my inner Diva ) this year and I hope that every woman reading this finds theirs too. Take a small breath each time you accomplish something and embrace it. Smile inside and know that you did it.

C'mon 2013... You are my year of ... Hopes are Dreams Come True

Photo taken by Stone Photography