Friday, January 13, 2012

Ready or not... Here I come!!!

I have mentioned a few times before that I have Big BIG plans ahead for me for 2012. Well now it's time to let you know what's going on. I want to compete. October 2012 in Kitchener. To walk the stage in clear heels, spray tan and a really awesome bikini with my favourite person, Sandra Compton, right beside me the whole way. I am fully prepared to be judged by society, family and friends and frankly I say "BRING IT" because there is NOTHING that is going to stop me from doing this. I decided I wanted to do this June last year when I saw the Oxygen model search at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. I have enormous support already from the few people that know and I am ready mentally for this challenge. This is more than just a Bikini show off.. These competetitors are athletes beyond anything that you can imagine. The time and dedication and the mental focus that is required is beyond anything you can ever imagine. So please educate yourself before any judgemet is passed.... And to that I say WATCH ME FLY!!!!

Now, it is Jan 12, 2012 and as I sit here on my couch typing this out I have sooooo many things that I want to say. First and foremost BeautyFit Boot Camp has started a new session and my excitement is disgustingly overwhelming. I am back in my routine of normality and it feels sooooo good!! It was an extremely emotional night for us Beauties. Day 2 and tears are falling not out of pain but out of diving inside ourselves. Publicly displaying our weakness'. Openly letting each and everyone of us there know what we have already accomplished and what we yet want to. No judgement, just open hearts and overwhelming support. For me it was extremely emotional. This camp is my 1yr anniversary camp. 1 year ago I walked in a meek girl in a fat beat down body with zero self esteem and no direction in my life (So you can imagine what a blubbering fool I must have looked like tonight) I didn't even know how to skip rope.. LOL..let alone know how to spend the next 6 weeks, 1 hour at a time finding myself. 1 year later I am not that meek girl. I am a strong! Confident! Determined! Beautiful! Sexy! Down right freakin AWESOME WOMAN! I may still have some squishy on me but it is ALL me. I am proud of ME. I am proud of each and every woman that walks through that door 2 times a week each camp and says... I can do this. I have said it before in my blogs and I will reiterate it for the ones that are just now jumping in.... I leave it on the floor. Leave the bad day at home or work, the anger and frustration from words said to me or by me, the helpless feeling of things I can not change but are forced to deal with. I leave them on the floor in a puddle of sweat and tears. I am not alone in this. We ALL will go through it at one point or another in the next 6 weeks. And damn will it feel fantastic to release ( wait till kick boxing starts and that heavy bag is your Biotch.. LOL )

I'm going to end this by saying this... Don't let anyone stand in your way of what you want to accomplish. The biggest one being yourself. Fight for it. Dig deep down and yell at the top of your lungs I AM WORTH IT! Sandra said it tonight and she has every camp before.... We all have our own stories. We are the author of our mortal lives so write the best life you can live and surround yourself with people that HONESTLY support you and love you during your journey to a better you.

So ready or not World.... HERE I COME!! I have come a LONG LONG WAY and I am INVINCIBLE!!