We all have different versions and different ways of getting to our own happy. Whether it be in a job, in our personal life or our social life. So one is not right or wrong, but personalized. No one way can be defined as the right way. For me, it has been a life long journey. More recently it has been more prevalent though. Maybe it is because I am getting older or because I am sending my baby boy off to University in 7 days. Either way I am in search of it. Never be "just okay" with your life. Be more than that! Find more fantastic words.
So while in search of finding my happy, I have also decided that I need to wear my smile that fits. It's kind of like wearing your good underwear, but it's something on the outside for everyone to appreciate and for you to be able to share. It is one that I have hid for FAR TOO long. For one reason or another which really don't matter. Why? Because that is not now.. and moving forward (oh dang I really dislike those 2 words but they fit ) I will wear mine. There are far too many reasons for people to bring you down in your life. I have been dealing with this recently and have yet to put it totally past me. I keep certain songs on my Ipod and my BlackBerry so that when I am having my "yuck" moments I can just slam on one of the songs and keep on going. They are my feel good songs.
Music has been a part of my life since I was a little girl. Dancing around in the living room while ABBA or Barry Manilow played on the record player, jumping from couch to couch with my brother trying not to get caught. Walking down the street at Church St Station in Orlando with my dad, hearing the music of the steel drum bands playing in the distance and then to just break out in dance because it felt right. The last song played in the Romancing The Stone movie and breakin' it down in the living room (which I still do because I LOVE that movie). If it feels right ..... DO IT! Haters are gonna Hate and Doubters are gonna Doubt. But don't let that stop you from doing what makes you feel happy inside. It is not a competition about who gets to the gym more or who lost more weight than the other this month. It is about finding the happy YOU! If you haven't heard it before, Life is NOT a sprint. It is the longest marathon ever. The rewards are endless if you can appreciate your own successes and be real and true about them. I have one good week, yay! I have 3,4,7 in a row then I celebrate that! My honest private celebrations are far more important to me than public display.
So in the end ... Put on your highest heels and take over your world! Dance like no one is watching because it is about YOU and if they are.... tip your head, show them your best smile and ask them to dance. Be your own QUEEN!
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I'll spin around in my highest heels |