I call them little leg days because they seem to be the only ones that I don't vomit with. Training recovery time is getting faster with me. At first it was easily 3 days of intense pain and wimpering like a baby even as we moved on to the next body part 2 days later. I will not say my body is getting used to it because that would be a FAT LIE but I will say my tolerence for being uncomfortable has definately increased. So, today we motored through the session in record time and that's when he flipped the page and there was more! Sneaky guy added stuff when I wasn't looking.. LOL
I had Sheryl video for me today. These were both the last 2 on the list for me. WITH the new added "drop set" push to failure drop and go again craziness. I made it through alive today. I was much more on my game today and it felt much better. I didn't tell him not to talk to me when he asked if I was ok, so that right there in itself was a clear sign I was going to live to see him on Friday morning. I am seeing changes in my body and so are others. It feels like it is worth all the hard work and every drop of sweat. I have had body changes before but these ones are totally different. Hard to put it in to words actually
Here we go... Enjoy! And as the saying goes... If you still look good at the end of your workout you didn't train hard enough. As you can see I was a sweaty mess and it was NOT pretty.