Monday, January 2, 2012

Reflection Pool

As 2011 was coming to a final close I took the time during my last cardio session of the year to reflect on everything I had accomplished. I realized that I had come to terms with things that were making it even more difficult from getting to that final goal. And I also decided that what I want is far more important than dwelling on the things that I can not change. So a brief synopsis will follow in this, my last blog of the year.

I woke up this morning Dec 31st, after only a few hours sleep and met with Sandra. While there I also had the great pleasure of spending some quality conversation time with Jimmy Mentis. If you have never met this man you are truly missing out. He is a Plethera of USEFUL knowledge and a really funny man too. These 2 together are like a tag team in my life that know what and when to say things that I need to hear. They have both been vocal in different ways to me over this year. Jimmy is more the strong silent type but when he speaks I highly suggest you listen!! Sandra carries a bullhorn.... just sayin' :)  I am grateful for everything that they have done for me and that they have opened my eyes to experience this year. I do not ever take for granted the opportunities that have been given and blogging for BeautyFit is definately one of them.

I have an album full of pictures on my facebook profile entitled 2011... All about me  This is not all of them either. I have a full album on my Blackberry too of ones that I haven't posted. But it is an idea of how things went through the year for me.
So what have I accomplished you ask? I have posted most of them through out my blogs but here is the short list...
1. Stepping out of my comfort zone and starting BeautyFit BootCamp, completing every session till the end of the year and introducing many of my friends and family to why I love it so much. Opening their eyes to something new and awesome!
2. Quitting smoking after 23 years
3. Warrior Dash !!!! 5km of mud and obstacles and running with my mentor and trainer encouraging me the whole way with my husband supporting us and waiting for us with open arms and a big smile at the finish line for us.
4. Not taking the easy way out walking the flat path and deciding to hike up the side of the mountain and loving every minute of it.
5. 5km Run for the Cure in October with the BeautyFit Beauties.
6. Found my happy place in my job by changing it and finding peace, joy and laughter in every shift
7. Realizing that there are so many things out there that I want to do and my "Happy List" keeps growing and growing.. ( Read my next blog for what I will be striking off that list for 2012 )
8. Embracing change and allowing myself to welcome new and different
..... The list is long and plenty I could again go on for EVER!!.. LOL
I also want to put in here a few things that I emotionally struggled with. I am only human and we all have things that happen in our lives that throw us off our game.
My grandmother had an aeortal dissection in May and eventually passed from complications a few months later. My sister, her husband and my nephews moved to Ft. Mac Alberta. It is very far away and I miss them very much. Thank goodness for technology. On my wedding anniversary I was diagnosed with a blood clot in my head. I have spent months since then on blood thinning injections and pills and medication to subdue and supress the pains in my head. These have made it so that I could not reach that final goal I wanted this year but ... I'm over it ( as my son always says ). 
I do not have ANY regrets this year. I have overcome so much and I am ready to embrace the next year and the challenges that will come. I am ready for Bootcamp to start Jan 10th. It will be nice to be back into a routine and to also have the Beauties there to push me and vice versa. I have big plans for 2012.. BIG BIG PLANS!!!
So I leave you with this.... As we say goodbye to 2011 go forward into 2012 with this thought .... Your internal conversations determine the outcome of your mood desire and drive..... Happy New Year!!!